Customs declaration\clearance, commodity inspection,quarantine
Imp & Exp for general goods
Temporary Imp & Exp of goods
Imp & Exp for processing trade
Imp & Exp goods for repairing
Imp & Exp for personal goods
Imp & Exp for bonded goods
Imp & Exp for tariff-free goods
Exhibition goods remaining for purchase« 5吨货海运维勒雷
苏黎世海运出口 »
Customs declaration\clearance, commodity inspection,quarantine
Imp & Exp for general goods
Temporary Imp & Exp of goods
Imp & Exp for processing trade
Imp & Exp goods for repairing
Imp & Exp for personal goods
Imp & Exp for bonded goods
Imp & Exp for tariff-free goods
Exhibition goods remaining for purchase